Okami Bio

Chlorella Properties

chlorella properties

organic chlorella

Chlorophyll-fy your life! This green freshwater alga is an unbelievable antioxidant and source of protein that will boost your immune system and overall health. Is it going to dethrone spirulina?

Extremely nutritious!

Naturally rich in:

  • Protein: 50–60%
  • Iron and vitamin C anywhere from 6–40% of your daily need
  • Phosphorus
  • Potassium
  • Omega 3: 3 grams of chlorella gives you 100 mg of omega-3s
  • Chlorophyll: helps accelerate fat burn, anti-aging, and antioxidant


Chlorella binds to heavy metals, helping you expel them from your body alongside other harmful toxins, helping the body fight harmful diseases.

Can boost your immune system:

Some studies suggest that taking chlorophyll helps you develop more antibodies to combat infections and diseases, which is what your immune system does.

Lower Cholesterol

Some studies have shown that it can help you lower cholesterol, in particular LDL cholesterol and triglycerides specially in individuals with high blood pressure.

This is due to:

  • Being high in A B vitamin
  • High in fiber
  • Antioxidants 

Helps you control blood pressure

Studies have shown that taking chlorella for 12 weeks helped regulate blood pressure in both healthy people and people with preexisting conditions.

May help with respiratory diseases

Chlorella can help reduce inflammation therefore it can be beneficial to treat asthma.

May improve physical endurance

Studies have shown that it can improve the ability to retain oxygen in the lungs, therefore improving physical performance.


Because of its hard cell wall, its hard for humans to digest so it must be taken in supplement for like our chlorella tablets! Imagine if you take them alongside our spirulina tablets, you’ll be unstoppable!!!

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